Training for Industry 4.0: a systematic literature review and directions for future research
Industry 4.0, Training, Human Resource Management, Knowledge TransferAbstract
Goal: This study aims to identify, synthesize and classify the main features explored by current research encompassing training for Industry 4.0 and propose directions for future research.
Design / Methodology / Approach: The methodological procedure was oriented by a systematic literature review (PRISMA) methodology and followed by content analysis. After a review of academic databases, 78 papers dealing with training for Industry 4.0 were included and classified based on topics related to the science of training and Industry 4.0.
Results: Most of the studies in training for Industry 4.0 are oriented to undergraduate and graduate students (in an educational approach) or industrial employees (in an enterprise approach) and, in general, they explore technical, technological, and human oriented subjects. There is a lack concerning studies targeting managers who deal with Industry 4.0 and few studies consider content related to Industry 4.0 impact on business models, sustainability, corporate social responsibility, and other related concepts.
Limitations of the investigation: The main limitation is related to the database selection criteria. Search in non-indexed databases, book chapters, and non-English language are not included in this study.
Practical Implications: The findings presented in this paper are relevant for researchers and academics as they can serve as a guide for future research work. Consultants, professionals, and trainers can enhance their courses by including currently less explored content or target audiences.
Originality/Value: No similar papers were found in scientific databases and this reinforces this manuscript's originality and contribution.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Gustavo Tietz Cazeri, Luis Antonio de Santa-Eulalia, Ph.D., Milena Pavan Serafim, Rosley Anholon

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