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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, and it is not submitted in another journal (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor). Authors must ensure the originallity of their article.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The references and format are according to the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines (presented bellow).
  • The uploaded documents ensure a Blind Review.
  • The abstract is structured according to the Author Guidelines, with the following sections: Goal; Design / Methodology / Approach; Results; Limitations of the investigation; Practical implications; Originality / Value.
  • All the Illustrations (Figures, Graphs, etc.) are editable.
  • There is no conflict of interest or conflict of interest (financial, professional, or personal) are reported in a separate file in this submission.

Author Guidelines


First Step:

The Editor-in-Chief will examine the manuscript's suitability regarding the scope, editorial policy and scientific contribution. This process will take two weeks.

Second Step:

The editorial assistant may ask authors to make fitting to their manuscripts regarding the formatting requirements.  This process will take one week.

Third step:

The manuscripts will send to two or more reviewers for double-blind review.

The Editor in Chief will make the final recommendation for the manuscript based on the reviewers´ assessment report. It is relevant to know that this step will depend on the availability of the referees. In this sense, the process could take an average of six months or more.

Note: To verify whether requests have been fulfilled, manuscripts for which revisions were recommended will go through a new round.

Fourth step:

The manuscript publication from acceptance to the first appearance on the BJO&PM screen with DOI should take one month.

Manuscript submission implies that its publication has been approved by all co-authors, if applicable, and the responsible authorities of the institution where the study/research was performed (by signing a term of publishing rights).

Authors are responsible for the manuscript content published in the journal, which must comply with journal Production copyright and ethical principles. Journal Production does not take legal responsibility for errors or omissions, which may be identified before or after publication.


The text should be written in English. It must be typed using the Microsoft® Word software or similar, saved in .doc or .docx format.

The standard sheet size is the A4 format (210X297mm), in “portrait” orientation, margins of 2.5 cm in all sides, alignment set as justified, font Verdana 10 (except for the title), line spacing of 1.5.

Pages cannot be numbered, no extra space before and after paragraphs (0 pt), no paragraph indent nor footnotes.

The text must have up to 8,000 (eight thousand) words, counted from the title to the last bibliographical reference used.

To ensure the process of blind review, the article cannot have any information that may indicate the authorship of the work, including in the proprieties of the file. It`s necessary when to submit the article to include the ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) of the authors.

The articles submited to BJO&PM must be classified into the following categories (authors should indicate it before title, within the article): 

Research paper: Articles presenting primary research, developed by the authors through scientific methodology techniques.

Case study: Case studies may focus on a single institution or on a group of institutions. The research should report relevant experiences of institutions.


Authors should submit in a separate file, the names of each author, their emails and institutions (the name of institution should be provided in English) and each author's contributions to the writing of the article, according to the CREDIT guidelines.


It must be the most objective possible, without abbreviations or jargons. It must be in bold, font Verdana, size 12. It must be written in the same language of the article, with the first word in capital letters, except when it is an own name.


Word limit: 250 words in total.

The abstract should be structured as follows (all the items are mandatory):

Goal: the objective of the research must be clearly presented. What is the purpose of the research?

Design / Methodology / Approach: must present techniques, methods, approaches and/or instruments used to perform the study, as well as the subjects involved (if applicable). How the research was performed?

Results: must present the main results originated from the research. What are the findings?

Limitations of the investigation: must present the main limitations of the research related to method and results. What are the caveats for the presented results? 

Practical implications: must present the practical contributions from the findings of the study. How the findings of the research can be used in practice?

Originality / Value: must present the main contribution of the research. What is the contribution of research to literature related to the topic?


At the end of the abstract, include three to five keywords, with the first letter capitalized, separated by semicolon. They must be simple and indicate the content of the article, including from its thematic area to the singularities approached in the topic.


It is acknowledged the style and the creativity of the authors to compose the text, however, they must include conventional elements, such as:

Introduction, with a clear definition of the investigated issue, and the goal(s) to be achieved;

Methods described in an objective format;

Results and discussion can be presented together or as separated elements;



The titles of the sections cannot be numbered, but they must be written in bold and capitalized. It is suggested to avoid the use of subtitles (secondary sections), but in the case they seem necessary, they must be typed in bold and only the first letter is capitalized.


INTRODUCTION (primary section)



Profile of respondents (secondary section)




It is considered an illustration all types of visual, non-textual representations, such as photos, graphics, flowcharts, maps, charts, and tables. They must be numbered, have a title, and a source. If the source comes from data found by the author, it must be indicated “Source: The author(s) himself(themselves)”. If the data was organized by the author and extracted from another source, it must be indicated “Source: Designed from the source (year)“.

The illustrations must be placed in the body of the text, in the place of its insertion, and as separated documents, annexed as editable supplementary documents (which means, they can be manipulated for further review and for the process of translation) in the following formats, according to their typology:

- Graphs and charts: Microsoft Excel

- Diagrams/Flowcharts: Microsoft PowerPoint

- Maps and other illustrations that require special softwares, send as the file of the software to be used and in image format .jpeg or .png, in high resolution.


Charts must be used only when the data demonstrated were quantitative ones; they must be open on the sides. See Chart 1.

Chart 1. Stratification of companies in the 2011 ISE Bovespa by economic subsector



Participation %




Financial Intermediaries



Lumber and paper l



Steel and metallurgy



Mobile Phone



Water and Sewage







Source: Aded et al. (2012)



Figures are considered schematic models, flowcharts, graphs, charts, etc. Try to use grey scale or hatches to help distinguish the items of the caption. Depending on the information, the author must choose the most adequate type for organization/graphic display (lines, columns, circle, etc.). See Figure 1.

Figure 1. Consumption of natural gas per sector in 2008

Source: ABEGÁS (2009)

Equations and units of measurement

It is necessary to use the tool Equation (under Microsoft Word®) or equivalent. Equations must be mentioned in the text, numbered in sequence, as seen in the Equation 1. The equation must be centered, and its key in justified, as in the example below.

In which,

: energy [J]

: mass [Kg]

: speed of light in the vacuum [m/s]

The units of measurement must follow the International System (IS), unless the use of another system is more adequate to the article.


The citations and references must adopt the standard author-date of the Harvard style. This style preconizes that the references must have complete bibliographical details, and that the titles of the journals cannot be abbreviated. Citations should appear in the body of the text in parentheses.


- For indirect citations, the reference must be done using the last name of the author (only the first letter is capitalized) and the year of publication.

Example: (Martins, 2010).

- For direct quotations, there must be presented the corresponding page.

Example: (Martins, 2010, p. 12).

- Where there are two authors, the last names must be separated by "and".

Example: (Martins and Silva, 2010)

- Where there are more than two authors, there must be cited the first, followed by "et al.".

Example: (Martins et al., 2014).

- For multiple citations of the same author, published in the same year, use a, b, c... immediately after the year of publication.

Example: (Martins et al., 2014a; Martins et al., 2014b).

- The citations of organizational authorship follow the same rules. In the cage of organizations of well-known acronyms, they can be used in the body of the text. But in the references, the full name must be used, followed by the acronym.


... to unlock greater growth and competitiveness (European Commission, 1998);

... so that local organizations can help new and growing businesses (DTI, 2002).

- Short literal citations (up to 40 words) they must show during the text, with quotes, indicating the authorship placed immediately after the closing quotes and before the full stop sign, Example: National culture is "perhaps the broadest social context within which negotiation can occur" (Carnevale, 1995, p. 310).

- Long literal citations (more than 40 words), as well as those from empirical data (interviews, focal groups, etc.), must be presented in a single block, indent of 2 cm from the left margin, in quotes, indicating the authorship at the end of the citation, after the full stop sign. Example:

"Holistic approaches rely on experience-based knowledge rather than on abstract knowledge and a search for the 'middle way' between opposing propositions". (Nisbett et al., 2001)

In all the stages of the process of management there are moments of decision making that are consisted in the selection of the directives and alternatives that will guide the enterprises towards their goals and objectives”. (Interviewee 4)


They must be fully presented in the end of the article, ordered alphabetically by the last name of the first author of each element.

- Articles published in more than one language must be referenced according to the English version.

- Non-scientific sources should be avoided.

- Give preference to scientific articles over theses and dissertations.


Last name, Initials (year of publication), Title, Publisher, Place of publication.

Example: Kaplan, R. and Norton, D.P. (2003), Strategy Maps: Converting Intangible Assets into Tangible Outcomes, Harvard Business Press, Boston.

Chapters of books

Last name, Initials (year of publication), "Title", in Editor's last name, Initials (Ed. or Org.), Title, Publisher, Place of publication, initial page-last page.

Example: Bourdieu, P. (1977), "The forms of capital", in Richardson, J.G. (Ed.), Handbook of Theory and Research for the Sociology of Education, Greenwood Press, New York, pp. 311-56.

Articles from Journals

Last name, Initials (year of publication), "Title", Full name of the journal, volume number, issue number (if applicable), initial page-last page.

Example: Baron, R.M. and Kenny, D.A. (1986), "The moderator-mediator variable distinction in social psychological research", Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 51, No. 4, pp. 1173-82.


Theses and dissertations

Last name, Initials (year of publication), Title, type of document and area of study, institution, location.

Example: Côrtes, R. (2011), Análise da viabilidade econômica da ecoeficiência em construções: o caso da construção civil no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Tese de Doutorado em Engenharia Civil, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói.

Symposiums and congresses

Last name, Initials (year of publication), "Title", in Editor's last name, Initials (Ed.) (if aplicable), Title of published proceeding, Publisher, Place of publication, initial page-last page.

Example: Gomes, F.M.B. and Méxas, M.P. (2016), "O perfil do trabalhador do Brasil em relação ao auxílio doença do instituto nacional de seguro social no ano de 2014", in CNEG 2016: Congresso Nacional de Excelência em Gestão, Inovarse, Rio de Janeiro, pp. 1-21.

Research paper

Articles presenting primary research, developed by the authors through scientific methodology techniques.

General review

Research that provide an overview about a relevant issue related to BJO&PM. Focused on description and/or instructions.

Case study

Case studies may focus on a single institution or on a group of institutions. The research should report relevant experiences of institutions.


 EditEdit About the Journal

The Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management (BJO&PM), ISSN: 2237-8960, is an international and open-access journal that providing a platform for publishing innovative and research articles. As an open access journal, articles in BJO&PM will always be freely available online and readily accessible. This means that your work will be recognized and can be searched in Google Scholar. The journal is dedicated towards dissemination of knowledge related to the advancement in scientific research. The prestigious interdisciplinary editorial board reflects the diversity of subjects covered in this journal.
BJO&PM is a multidisciplinary seeks to promote and disseminate the knowledge by publishing original research findings, review articles and short communications in the broad field of Engineering. The BJO&PM welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. Papers will be published approximately after acceptance. All articles published in BJO&PM will be peer-reviewed.
We publishes forefront articles related to Applied Research on Management, covering all aspects of operation and production for those interested on management, either in Academic or Industrial sectors. The journal is associated with the Brazilian Association for Industrial Engineering (ABEPRO). Only articles in English are considered for submission and publication.

Authors Guidelines


The text should be written in English. It must be typed using the Microsoft® Word software or similar, saved in .doc or .docx format.

The standard sheet size is the A4 format (210X297mm), in “portrait” orientation, margins of 2.5 cm in all sides, alignment set as justified, font Verdana 10 (except for the title), line spacing of 1.5.

Pages cannot be numbered, no extra space before and after paragraphs (0 pt), no paragraph indent nor footnotes.

The text must have up to 8,000 (eight thousand) words, counted from the title to the last bibliographical reference used.

To ensure the process of blind review, the article cannot have any information that may indicate the authorship of the work, including in the proprieties of the file.


It must be the most objective possible, without abbreviations or jargons. It must be in bold, font Verdana, size 12. It must be written in the same language of the article, with the first word in capital letters, except when it is an own name.


The abstract must be organized in the following sections:

- Highlights: they should be presented in four short sentences as highlights of the article

- Goal: must be presented using the infinitive verb tense

- Design / Methodology / Approach: must present the techniques, the instruments and the period for data collection, the subjects involved (when applicable), and the types of approach used

- Results: main results originated from data collection

- Limitations of the investigation: the main limitations of the research related to method and results

- Practical implications: the central practical contribution to the findings of the study

- Originality / Value: call attention to what the article presents as original in comparison to others of the same topic


At the end of the abstract, include three to five keywords, with the first letter capitalized, separated by semicolon. They must be simple and indicate the content of the article, including from its thematic area to the singularities approached in the topic.


It is acknowledged the style and the creativity of the authors to compose the text, however, they must include conventional elements, such as:

Introduction, with a clear definition of the investigated issue, and the goal(s) to be achieved;

Methods described in an objective format;

Results and discussion can be presented together or as separated elements;



The titles of the sections cannot be numbered, but they must be written in bold and capitalized. It is suggested to avoid the use of subtitles (secondary sections), but in the case they seem necessary, they must be typed in bold and only the first letter is capitalized.


INTRODUCTION (primary section)



Profile of respondents (secondary section)




It is considered an illustration all types of visual, non-textual representations, such as photos, graphics, flowcharts, maps, charts, and tables. They must be numbered, have a title, and a source. If the source comes from data found by the author, it must be indicated “Source: The author(s) himself(themselves)”. If the data was organized by the author and extracted from another source, it must be indicated “Source: Designed from the source (year)“.

The illustrations must be placed in the body of the text, in the place of its insertion, and as separated documents, annexed as editable supplementary documents (which means, they can be manipulated for further review and for the process of translation) in the following formats, according to their typology:

- Graphs and charts: Microsoft Excel

- Diagrams/Flowcharts: Microsoft PowerPoint

- Maps and other illustrations that require special softwares, send as the file of the software to be used and in image format .jpeg or .png, in high resolution.


Charts must be used only when the data demonstrated were quantitative ones; they must be open on the sides. See Chart 1.

Chart 1. Stratification of companies in the 2011 ISE Bovespa by economic subsector



Participation %




Financial Intermediaries



Lumber and paper l



Steel and metallurgy



Mobile Phone



Water and Sewage






Source: Aded et al. (2012)



Figures are considered schematic models, flowcharts, graphs, charts, etc. Try to use grey scale or hatches to help distinguish the items of the caption. Depending on the information, the author must choose the most adequate type for organization/graphic display (lines, columns, circle, etc.). See Figure 1.

Figure 1. Consumption of natural gas per sector in 2008

Source: ABEGÁS (2009)

Equations and units of measurement

It is necessary to use the tool Equation (under Microsoft Word®) or equivalent. Equations must be mentioned in the text, numbered in sequence, as seen in the Equation 1. The equation must be centered, and its key in justified, as in the example below.

In which,

: energy [J]

: mass [Kg]

: speed of light in the vacuum [m/s]

The units of measurement must follow the International System (IS), unless the use of another system is more adequate to the article.


The citations and references must adopt the standard author-date of the Harvard standard. This style preconizes that the references must have complete bibliographical details, and that the titles of the journals cannot be abbreviated. Citations should appear in the body of the text in parentheses.


- In the body of the text, the citations must be done by the last name of the author (only the first letter is capitalized) and the year of publication.

Example: (Martins, 2010).

- For literal citations, there must be presented the corresponding page.

Example: (Martins, 2010, p. 12).

- When there are two authors, the last names must be separated by semicolon.

Example: (Martins; Silva, 2010)

- When there are more than two authors, there must be cited the first, followed by “et al.”.

Example: (Martins et al., 2014).

- For multiple citations of the same author, published in the same year, use a, b, c... immediately after the year of publication.

Example: (Martins et al., 2014a; Martins et al., 2014b).

- The citations of organizational authorship follow the same rules. In the cage of organizations of well-known acronyms, they can be used in the body of the text. But in the references, the full name must be used, followed by the acronym.


... to unlock greater growth and competitiveness (European Commission, 1998);

... so that local organizations can help new and growing businesses (DTI, 2002).

- Short literal citations (up to 40 words) they must show during the text, with quotes, indicating the authorship placed immediately after the closing quotes and before the full stop sign, Example: National culture is "perhaps the broadest social context within which negotiation can occur" (Carnevale, 1995, p. 310).

- Long literal citations (more than 40 words), as well as those from empirical data (interviews, focal groups, etc.), must be presented in a single block, indent of 2 cm from the left margin, in quotes, indicating the authorship at the end of the citation, after the full stop sign. Example:

"Holistic approaches rely on experience-based knowledge rather than on abstract knowledge and a search for the 'middle way' between opposing propositions". (Nisbett et al., 2001)

In all the stages of the process of management there are moments of decision making that are consisted in the selection of the directives and alternatives that will guide the enterprises towards their goals and objectives”. (Interviewee 4)


They must be fully presented in the end of the article, ordered alphabetically by the last name of the first author of each element.

- Articles published in more than one language must be referenced according to the English version

- Non-scientific sources should be avoided

- Give preference to scientific articles over theses and dissertations


Last name, initials (year of publication), Title, edition, publisher, place of publication.

Example: Kaplan, R. (2004), Mapas estratégicos: convertendo ativos intangíveis em resultados tangíveis, 2nd ed., Elsevier, Rio de Janeiro.

Chapter of a book

Last name, initials (year of publication), “Title”, in Last name, initials (Ed. or Org.), Title, edition, place of publication, initial page-last page.

Example: Bourdieu, P. (1977), "The forms of capital", in Richardson, J.G. (Ed.), Handbook of Theory and Research for the Sociology of Education, Greenwood Press, New York, NY, pp. 311-56.

Article of printed journal

Last name, initials (year of publication), “Title”, full name of the journal, volume number, edition number (if applicable), initial page-last page.

Example: Baron, R.M.; Kenny, D.A. (1986), "The moderator-mediator variable distinction in social psychological research", Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 51, No. 4, pp. 1173-82.

Article of online journal

Last name, initials (year of publication), “Title”, full name of the journal, volume number, edition number (if applicable), available from: full electronic address (URL) (access date).

Examples: Búrigo, R. G.; Amboni, N. (2016), “Innovation and continuous improvement in the Búrigo clinical analysis laboratory”, Sistemas & Gestão, Vol. 11, No. 2, available from: (access 16 Dec. 2016).

Theses and dissertations

Last name, initials (year of publication), Title, type of document and area of study, institution, location.

Example: Côrtes, R. (2011), Análise da viabilidade econômica da ecoeficiência em construções: o caso da construção civil no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Tese de Doutorado em Engenharia Civil, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, RJ.

Symposiums and congresses

Last name, initials (year of publication), “Title”, name of event, location, event date.

Example: Cruz, A.; Benzecry, J. et al. (2012), “Avaliação de empresas em condições de incerteza”, artigo apresentado no CNEG 2012: Congresso Nacional de Excelência em Gestão, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 8-9 de jun. 2012


About the Journal

The Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management (BJO&PM), ISSN: 2237-8960, is an international and open-access journal that providing a platform for publishing innovative and research articles. As an open access journal, articles in BJO&PM will always be freely available online and readily accessible. This means that your work will be recognized and can be searched in Google Scholar. The journal is dedicated towards dissemination of knowledge related to the advancement in scientific research. The prestigious interdisciplinary editorial board reflects the diversity of subjects covered in this journal.
BJO&PM is a multidisciplinary seeks to promote and disseminate the knowledge by publishing original research findings, review articles and short communications in the broad field of Engineering. The BJO&PM welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. Papers will be published approximately after acceptance. All articles published in BJO&PM will be peer-reviewed.
We publishes forefront articles related to Applied Research on Management, covering all aspects of operation and production for those interested on management, either in Academic or Industrial sectors. The journal is associated with the Brazilian Association for Industrial Engineering (ABEPRO). Only articles in English are considered for submission and publication.

Viewpoint - COVID-19

Only viewpoints related to the COVID-19 pandemic are accepted in this section. 

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal, although they will appear in the publihed papers and be available in the journal site. 

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.