A framework for conceptualizing integrated prescriptive maintenance and production planning and control models





Prescriptive maintenance, Production planning and control, Condition-based maintenance, Modelling, Review


Goal: This study aims to support researchers and managers in conceptualising new integrated prescriptive maintenance (PxM) and production planning and control (PPC) models.

Design / Methodology / Approach: We perform a systematic literature review based on Thomé et al. (2016) and analyse literary findings using qualitative content analysis and quantitative correlation analyses.

Results: This work identifies 94 integrated PxM and PPC planning models and 47 outcomes, 16 decision variables and 34 environment entities. Based on the quantitative analyses of these components, we derive a normative framework to guide researchers and practitioners in conceptualising integrated models.

Limitations of the investigation: The study is limited to only one scientific database. Additionally, the quantitative analyses might be sensitive due to a low sample size for some components, and we only measure the linear dependency between two components. Lastly, we do not address solution algorithms.

Practical implications: The framework constitutes a tool for managers to construct integrated models tailored to their specific planning problems, fostering alignment between production and maintenance departments, plans and controls.

Originality / Value: We provide a descriptive overview and normative guidance in the selection of components that can or should be used for future PxM-aligned PPC planning studies, pinpointing possible research gaps.


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How to Cite

Wesendrup, K., Hellingrath, B., & Nikolarakis, Z. (2024). A framework for conceptualizing integrated prescriptive maintenance and production planning and control models. Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management, 21(3), 2172 . https://doi.org/10.14488/BJOPM.2172.2024



Research paper