An empirical investigation of the impact of social media tool usage on employees work performance among Ghana Commercial Bank Workers

the moderating role of social media usage experience


  • Abubakari Sadiq Mohammed University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Hefei City, Anhui, China.
  • Sylvester Nsobire Ayambila University for Development Studies (UDS), Tamale, Ghana, África.
  • Sadia Lukman University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Hefei City, Anhui, China.



Social Media, Employee Work, Use Experience, Ghana Commercial Bank


Goal: The motivation of this paper is to forge and foster an insightful and comprehensive understanding of social media potential and its possible impact on Ghana Commercial Bank employees’ performance.

Design / Methodology / Approach: Five cities were strategically sampled using convenient sampling technique to represent the various diversifications in corporate compositions.  Data was collected from 249 workers of the Ghana Commercial Bank. The study utilized the structural equation modeling technique to construct and evaluate the proposed research model.

Results: Social media usage had a significant positive relationship with employee engagement and knowledge transfer. Knowledge transfer had no significant relationship with work performance and employee engagement had a significant positive relationship with work performance. Experience with social media had a significant moderating effect on relationship between knowledge transfer and work performance.

Research limitations/implications: The study covered employees from one bank and this has implications on generalization.  The study used cross sectional data and employed quantitative analysis. Mixed methods would have added some insights and longitudinal data could further unravel causal relationships among overtime.    

Practical implications: Social media platform managers and policy makers within the banking sector should proactively harness social media platform and utilize to benefit corporate bodies. Banking authorities and allied stakeholders should train workers to ensure positive inclination to social media usage.

Originality/Value: Contributes to theory by validating and establishing the theoretical model. The findings provide insights with respect to development and subsequent deployment of practical guidelines for successful integration of social media in enterprise activities.


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How to Cite

Mohammed, A. S., Ayambila, S. N. . ., & Lukman, S. . (2022). An empirical investigation of the impact of social media tool usage on employees work performance among Ghana Commercial Bank Workers: the moderating role of social media usage experience. Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management, 20(1), 1382.



Research paper