Valuation methodologies for business startups: a bibliographical study and survey


  • Fabrício Batista de Oliveira Carioca University Center
  • Luís Perez Zotes Fluminense Federal University



Valuation, startups, entrepreneurship, economic and financial viability of projects


The aim of this study was to research and analyze the different methodologies used for the valuation process and identify which are the most suitable for startup companies in the Brazilian market. The investigation was carried out by means of bibliographical research articles through the databases Scopus and Web of Science and through interviews with professional experts in valuation of companies. The approach of the subject valuation for business startups, presents plenty of opportunities in the countries of Central and South America by their limited amount of scientific production found in databases of scientific productions. From the market point of view, the article presents important contribution to the promotion and maintenance of startups projects, many of which in the early stage of deployment, since it will serve as a source of consultation for such category of company that needs to identify the better options in the process of valuation for startups and companies as support for the economic and financial viability study of projects in the early stage, supporting the professional segments of Administration, Finance and Engineering Production, not limited only to those. The originality of this research is to make a direct relationship of valuation commonly used with startups definitions proposed by Blank and Dorf (2014) and Ries (2011).


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Author Biography

Fabrício Batista de Oliveira, Carioca University Center

Profissional de gestão com background acadêmico em Marketing, Administração, Gestão do Conhecimento e Gerenciamento de Projetos. Com mais de 12 anos de experiência, atuei em multinacionais como Lojas Americanas, Itaú e Nextel, sempre em cargos de liderança nas áreas Comerciais, Gerenciamento de Contas e Marketing. Mestre pela Universidade Federal Fluminense, RJ, na Escola da Latec em Sistemas de Gestão. MBA em Gerrenciamento de Projetos pela Fundação Getúlio Vargas (2011) com extensão pela University of California, Irvine/EUA. Graduação em Marketing e em Administração de Empresas. Hoje atuo como CEO da empresa Fowler, projeto no qual fui fundador. E como Gestor, Pesquisador e Palestrante na CoPEdu (Comunidade de Prática Educacional), projeto que também fui responsável por sua idealização e concepção. E como Coordenador de Atendimento Acadêmico da Unicarioca. Atuo também como professor em disciplinas relacionadas à Gestão e como Consultor em Gestão para Pequenas e Médias Empresas, focando a atuação para o mercado da Moda.




How to Cite

Batista de Oliveira, F., & Perez Zotes, L. (2018). Valuation methodologies for business startups: a bibliographical study and survey. Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management, 15(1), 96–111.