Supply chain efficiency a structural analysis in Türkiye's retail sector




Company performance, IoT, Supply chain integration and supply chain agility, Structural equation model


Goal: To investigate the impact of the Internet of Things (IoT) on the effectiveness and environmental friendliness of supply chains in Turkey's retail industry.

Methodology: Applies structural equation modeling to examine data from 315 retail experts, specifically investigating the impact of IoT on supply chain integration and agility within a defined timeframe. This methodology involves doing a thorough examination of the adoption of technology and its impact on operational performance.

Results: Finds notable enhancements in supply chain performance by implementing IoT, as demonstrated by improved integration, flexibility, and immediate access to real-time data. These technological improvements enhance the sustainability, efficiency, and flexibility of supply chain systems.

Limitations of the investigation:  Recognizes limitations pertaining to the study's extent, techniques for gathering data, and the possible fluctuations in IoT adoption rates among various retail industries.

Practical implications: Proposes practical approaches for retail managers to utilize IoT technology in order to enhance supply chain efficiency and sustainability, highlighting the significance of integrating technology and implementing responsive mechanisms.

Originality: This study provides unique and valuable insights into how the Internet of Things (IoT) can contribute to the improvement of sustainable supply chain practices in the Turkish retail industry. It serves as a valuable resource for both professionals and researchers who are interested in the intersection of technology, sustainability, and supply chain management.


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How to Cite

Abdelhadi, A., & Akkartal, E. (2024). Supply chain efficiency a structural analysis in Türkiye’s retail sector. Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management, 21(3), 2150 .



Research paper