The effect of perceived green organizational support on employee green behavior
the moderating role of long-term orientation
Industry 4.0, Perceived Green Organizational Support (PGOS), Long-Term Orientation, Employee Green BehaviorAbstract
Purpose: The present study examines the effect of perceived green organizational support on employee green behavior in the manufacturing sector. The study also attempted to determine whether long-term orientation has a moderating role in this effect.
Design/Methodology/Approach: The study uses a quantitative research design. Data were obtained from employees working in the manufacturing sector using the convenience sampling and survey methods. Analyses such as confirmatory factor, reliability, correlation and regression (Model 1) analyses were carried out.
Results: The findings have shown that perceived green organizational support positively affects employee green behavior, and that long-term orientation plays a moderating role in this effect.
Research Limitations: Limitations include the data being obtained cross-sectionally from a single sector (manufacturing) and the only variables in consideration being perceived green organizational support, long-term orientation and employee green behavior.
Practical implications: The findings reveal that managers in the manufacturing sector should turn to green organizational support practices because green behaviors (in-role and extra-role) increase with employees' perceptions of these support practices. The findings also revealed that employees with low long-term orientation levels (compared to those with medium and high levels) exhibit more green employee behavior as their perception of green organizational support increases.
Originality / Value: The present study focuses on employee green behavior, which is important for Industry 4.0. It is also the first study to examine the relationship between perceived green organizational support and employee green behavior within the context of long-term orientation.
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