Digital transformation in e-commerce logistics

a case study on the digital maturity of the last-mile area


  • Verônica Maurer Tabim Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil.
  • Cíntia Wilke Franco Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil.
  • João Pedro Hoerde Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil.



Digital Transformation, Digital Maturity, E-commerce, Logistics, Last Mile


Highlights: This article addresses the diagnosis of digital maturity in e-commerce logistics, specifically the final delivery stage, known as the last-mile. The last-mile has greater digitization demand than traditional logistics due to the extreme speed of the virtual world during shopping, where customers transfer these same expectations to delivery services.

Goal: The main objective of this work is to evaluate the digital maturity of the last-mile area of operation of an e-commerce logistics company.

Methodology: This study evaluates the maturity model in a case study with the company E-commerceCo. Interviews were conducted with key employees for data gathering.

Results: The proposed method allows defining and analyzing the digital maturity of the last-mile area of the company in question, understanding strengths, such as a culture open to innovation and digitally mature, and weaknesses, such as technical limitations imposed by the main system used and lack of cybersecurity barriers.

Limitations of the investigation: Since it is a single case study, it does not allow a broad generalization to industries in other branches. Another limitation is that this study is focused on Brazilian logistics operations, which may differ from other countries.

Practical implications: This research is relevant to serve as a reference for other companies in the e-commerce logistics sector to assess their digital maturity from the proposed model and compare common challenges and opportunities. In addition, it will help the studied company to create a successful digital transformation strategy.

Originality / Value: We propose a new approach on how to evaluate the digital maturity of the last-mile area of operation of an e-commerce logistics company.


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How to Cite

Tabim, V. M., Franco, C. W., & Hoerde, J. P. (2024). Digital transformation in e-commerce logistics: a case study on the digital maturity of the last-mile area. Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management, 21(1), 1641 .



Case study