Industry 4.0 and 5g technology on firms network

a balanced competitive expansion conceptual model development


  • José Marcelo de Freitas Vilela Federal Fluminense University (UFF), Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  • José Rodrigues Faria Filho Federal Fluminense University (UFF), Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.



Industry 4.0, 5G Technology, Mixed research, Competition model


Goal: This study aims to explore the relationship between companies leveraged by the use of 5G technologies and Industry 4.0 to develop a model that explains the impacts on the ecosystem.

Design / Methodology / Approach: This study applies a bibliometric research utilizing scientometric review to provide an understanding of the status quo and the trend for research on the tripod theme in the world: (a) Firm Network, (b) Industry 4.0 and (c) 5G Technology. The study is extended by a qualitative research applying critical incident technique to experts´ interviews looking for the gap in the bibliometric review and insights on the tripod theme to develop a Conceptual Model based on grounded theory.

Results: A conceptual model of balanced competitive expansion of the market was developed regarding the bibliometric and qualitative research. The model, based on 5 hypotheses - related to Partnership, Competition and Products and Services – highlights that while the 5G technology and Industry 4.0 impact the relationship among companies (competition, partnerships, product and services) this impact is balanced with a market expansion.

Limitations of the investigation: This proposed conceptual model must be evaluated with quantitative research to validate the variables and hypothesis developed based on grounded theory.

Practical implications: This paper shows methodological steps and basis to develop a conceptual model to be validate with broadly quantitative survey.

Originality / Value: The paper demonstrates its originality and relevance by presenting a model relating innovative technology trends and their impact in the ecosystem


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How to Cite

Vilela, J. M. de F., & Faria Filho, J. R. (2022). Industry 4.0 and 5g technology on firms network: a balanced competitive expansion conceptual model development. Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management, 19(3), 1–18.



Research paper