Impact of critical success factors and risk management on organizational results
Risk management, Critical success factors, Organizational resultsAbstract
Goal: The purpose of this study is to identify how do risk management processes and critical success factors (CSFs) impact organizational results.
Design / Methodology / Approach: A qualitative research approach was applied, using a multiple case study, involving six organizations in public and private sectors of the Brazilian economy.
Results: The support given by top management, the existence of a corporate governance structure, the integration of risk management across all organizational functions and the importance of stakeholder participation, both in public and private organizations, presented aspects that impact organizational outcomes, such as the preservation of reputation, increase in market value, and the creation of competitive advantage.
Limitations of investigation: The present research considered only Brazilian organizations, which is a limiting factor for a possible generalization of the findings. The research can be extended to other organizations and countries, so that other contexts can be discussed and analyzed.
Practical implications: Based on the findings, we designed an Organizational Results Matrix (ORM), which aims to support managers dealing with factors conditioning the company´s results.
Originality / Value: The original value of the research lies in the presentation of ORM. This matrix may enrich the quality and rigor of the actions carried out in public and private sectors, providing to managers an insight into the main dimensions of CSFs and risk management process and their influence on the expected results.
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